
Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Special One

The day starts off like any other day. I rise early and head to the mine. Along the way I meet my friend, Bert, and we share a breakfast. The air seems a little cooler than normal but it is winter. There’s a lot of traffic today and Bert points out that this is not normal. He mentions that we left our homes at the appointed time and we’ve never encountered this kind of traffic. What’s going on?
I look at him with disgust and say “I don’t know.” You would think that my answer would satisfy him but noooooo, Bert wanted to know why? So off he goes to talk with Sally the local town crier. I continue to the mine where my work awaits me. All the time I’m thinking “Why is there so much traffic?”
Then I hear Bert screaming for me to stop, he has something important to tell me. I keep walking; I don’t have time to listen to any of his silliness. I have work to do and I don’t want to be late. His screaming is getting louder and louder as he rapidly approaches. He catches up to me as I’m about to enter the mine with several other workers. He stops and catches his breath than begins to tell me, in a loud voice, what all the commotion is about. Before long all the other workers stop and begin to listen to what he has to share. The news quickly travels down the mine to the other workers and they hurry to the surface to hear what Bert has to say. The excitement of the news is sending everyone into an out of control frenzy of joy.
Since my birth, and for as long as I can remember, I’ve heard the story of “The Special One.” We were told by our parents who were told by their parents and many generations before them that “The Special One” would come and make things right between God and His creation, known to us as “man.”
The story goes that we were created before man and God gave the” man” the authority to name us. Then something evil happened and that’s why “The Special One” would be sent to fix things. His life would begin in a stable surrounded by animals. He would be visited by the keepers of sheep and some men who would come from a far away land bearing gifts.
For years our kind looked forward for the coming of “The Special One” and now He is here. The crowds of workers have all exited the mines, even the leaders. They all head to the location of “The Special One.”  The excitement of seeing Him is even greater than the news of His arrival and the crowd starts to climb over one another in a mad rush to get to His location.
Bert and I hurry along with the others seeking to find a good vantage point to view Him. I can’t believe that He is here. The story we were told has finally happened and we are in the presence of “The Special One” sent of God. Bert and I climb to a high place located above His bed where we can plainly see His face.
The atmosphere in the place is one of complete joy. Every living creature in the stable is mesmerized by His beauty and perfection. Bert begins to shout with joy and before long the others join in shouting “He is here, the Special One of God is here, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.”
The news that “The special One” has come is now spreading throughout the countryside among our kind. And the shouts of joy can be heard across the land. We are small in stature and our numbers are like the grains of sand. We are God’s creation; created before man…we are the ant.

Author; Carlton Maui Namahoe      
wc 650 December 2009
A gift to my wife; Keala Namahoe

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